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Hey Everyone!!!! Young & Graced?... Looks to provide you Hope, Inspiration, Motivation & obviously the "Word Of God". I Pray that you remain Blessed as you read this Blog!

25 Apr

'Come as you are, but don't stay as you are'

Published by Wayne Davis

'Come as you are, but don't stay as you are'

I'll be the first to admit that growing up I had a tendency to act arrogant, boastful and prideful. But that's yesterday's news.

No one is born a Christian but we can be raised as one. Growing up I was in and out of church each weekend, without a care in the world as to how that was would affect me in the future.

The best thing about being a Christian is not trying to prove to others that your better than them, it's the complete opposite. It's about knowing that as an individual you're far from perfect, but always worthy enough to be better you than you were before. To top that off, you have an advocate in Jesus Christ.

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest" ~ Matthew 11-28

I can't sit back and try to convince myself that I'm Hercules, because no one is ever as strong as they think they are, especially on their own understanding. I've realised that spending time dwelling on my mistakes is a time waster. Truth of the matter is, if I choose to stay in yesterday's news, I will lose. For each day I have, I thank God that I am able to walk in the humbleness that He provides. I thank Him for the destiny helpers that have come into my life these past four months and for the opportunities that have come my way.

Take that leap of faith for your life and chose to press forward in Christ. You will see what God has up His sleeve for you.


Have a Blessed Week


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Hey Everyone!!!! Young & Graced?... Looks to provide you Hope, Inspiration, Motivation & obviously the "Word Of God". I Pray that you remain Blessed as you read this Blog!